(this is only meeting we have)
TUESDAY, December 6th @ 3:35 AT KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOM #114 (Mrs. Clow's room)
(this is only meeting we have)
TUESDAY, December 6th @ 3:35 AT KENNEDY MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOM #114 (Mrs. Clow's room)

Contact Information:
Mrs. Clow 586-285-8836 or [email protected]
at Kennedy Middle School
Mrs. Clow 586-285-8836 or [email protected]
at Kennedy Middle School
In its 22nd year, this outdoor activity is open to all Lake Shore Public School students (High School, Middle School, and Elementary) and their family members.
Our typical club season starts when Mt. Holly Ski Resort opens in Decemeber and runs through February when they close.
We want everyone who wants to get out and enjoy the hills have the availability to do so at our school discounted rate. What this means is if you have a student club membership discount card purchased from Mrs. Clow for $25.00 this enables you to go out any day Monday - Friday beginning at 3:00pm and purchase from Mt. Holly a discounted lift ticket each time you go throughout the season for $25.00 (this is approximately half the price you would normally pay). All you need to do is show them your club membership card to get discounted school rates. Mt. Holly closes at 10:00pm and students can arrive and leave based upon what best works for them (3:00pm -10:00pm Monday through Friday).
Attached to your club membership card are 2 ski lessons or 1 snowboard lesson which is also a cost savings. You will need to earn a patch based on the level of skier or snowboarder in order to go on the different trails. Beginner lessons do not earn a patch and can use the Bugs Bunny hill. With the club membership card additional lessons may be purchased at a discounted rate of $12.50. No patch means students need to stay on Bugs Bunny unless parent takes them on different trails.
For additional information please click on the Club Information and Pricing tab on the left which will take you to Mt. Holly's Club Program.
Club cards also work for discounted rates on equipment rentals and more lessons.
If you are interested in joining our club, all you need to do is come to our meeting on December 6th or contact me so we can connect with each other to get you your club membership discount card. I am at Kennedy Middle School and can meet with students here before or after school or I can leave your club card in the front office for pick up ($25.00 checks made payable to Lake Shore Public Schools or cash is acceptable).
Our typical club season starts when Mt. Holly Ski Resort opens in Decemeber and runs through February when they close.
We want everyone who wants to get out and enjoy the hills have the availability to do so at our school discounted rate. What this means is if you have a student club membership discount card purchased from Mrs. Clow for $25.00 this enables you to go out any day Monday - Friday beginning at 3:00pm and purchase from Mt. Holly a discounted lift ticket each time you go throughout the season for $25.00 (this is approximately half the price you would normally pay). All you need to do is show them your club membership card to get discounted school rates. Mt. Holly closes at 10:00pm and students can arrive and leave based upon what best works for them (3:00pm -10:00pm Monday through Friday).
Attached to your club membership card are 2 ski lessons or 1 snowboard lesson which is also a cost savings. You will need to earn a patch based on the level of skier or snowboarder in order to go on the different trails. Beginner lessons do not earn a patch and can use the Bugs Bunny hill. With the club membership card additional lessons may be purchased at a discounted rate of $12.50. No patch means students need to stay on Bugs Bunny unless parent takes them on different trails.
For additional information please click on the Club Information and Pricing tab on the left which will take you to Mt. Holly's Club Program.
Club cards also work for discounted rates on equipment rentals and more lessons.
If you are interested in joining our club, all you need to do is come to our meeting on December 6th or contact me so we can connect with each other to get you your club membership discount card. I am at Kennedy Middle School and can meet with students here before or after school or I can leave your club card in the front office for pick up ($25.00 checks made payable to Lake Shore Public Schools or cash is acceptable).
Contact Information: Mrs. Clow 586-285-8836 or [email protected]
at Kennedy Middle School
at Kennedy Middle School